Winter & Company specializes in urban design and planning projects for public and private clients seeking to preserve and promote their community’s unique identity and special resources. Our services also help emerging communities establish a sense of identity and promote economic development.
Many communities seek sustainable tools to protect and enhance livability, revitalize town centers and safeguard neighborhood character. Winter & Company collaborates with clients to produce imaginative plans that build on existing resources to guide public and private investment.
We balance public objectives with private interests. The overall community and specific stakeholders are always engaged in meaningful ways.
Urban Design & Planning projects, such as master plans or corridor plans, serve as a guide and inspiration for budgets, projects, programs, investments, regulations and other efforts focused in a specific area. The objective is to identify and prioritize short, middle, and long-term public investment. Winter & Company has completed a large number of plans that focus on generating revenue through enhancements to urban context. By focusing on details of mixed-use, public open space, multi-modal transportation and other sustainable design features, urban design projects have the ability to revitalize the urban context of a town or city.
Key urban design services are listed below.

Area Plans
Downtown Plans
Corridor Plans
Neighborhood Plans

Miscellaneous Urban Design Projects
Redevelopment Plans
Feasibility Studies
Adaptive Reuse ​