Design Guidelines

Design Standards

Winter & Company assists communities by providing clear, concisely written and illustrated design guidelines for historic districts, downtown revitalization programs, new developing communities and office parks. These guidelines are crafted to respond to local site conditions as well as legal constraints and are extensively illustrated to clearly convey design ideas. The firm often evaluates existing design regulations and revises them as needed. Where appropriate, design guidelines are modified to reflect changes in policy or to clarify intent. In each case, Winter & Company staff custom-tailor the policy content in the regulation and the method of promoting them to fit the community.
Below are several featured Design Guidelines & Standards. To find out more about each our featured projects, click on an image. Project summary documents are provided in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. For a complete inventory of the Design Guidelines & Standards we have completed, see our Project Inventory page.
Types of Design Guidelines & Standards
Downtown Guidelines/Standards
Preservation Guidelines/Standards
Historic & Conservation District Guidelines/Standards
Unified Development Code Guidelines/Standards
Residential Guidelines/Standards

Zoning Code Related Work